
4th Edition of JuniForCommunity Highlights Social and Impact Projects

2024 edition stands out with transformative projects and enshrines Cuidadores as the winner.

Image of Writer Joana Ribeiro Joana Ribeiro Dot April 20, 2024 Dot
News Time Reading Time: 1 minute
News Time Reading Time: 1 minute
News Image of 4th Edition of JuniForCommunity Highlights Social and Impact Projects

On April 11th, the 4th edition of JuniForCommunity was successfully held, a competition promoted by JuniFEUP that aims to develop pro bono projects to contribute to the evolution of ideas or associations with social, environmental, sustainable, health impact and much more.

The event was attended by the finalists: APAV (Victim Support Association), Cuidadores and Hospital da Prelada. Each finalist had the opportunity to contribute, present their association and share how JuniFEUP could contribute to the progress of their projects.

The winning association of this edition was Cuidadores, a non-profit organization founded in 2016 , in Porto. Cuidadores' mission is to offer support and assistance to caregivers, recognizing the vital importance of their role in society, caring for family members, at the same time promoting the recognition and social integration of these individuals who are essential for the well-being of their families.

JuniForCommunity highlighted, once again, JuniFEUP's commitment to drive social and environmental impact projects, offering fundamental support to organizations that promote positive changes in the community. Cuidadores' victory reflects recognition of the importance of family care and the commitment to supporting those who dedicate their lives to the well-being of their loved ones.

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